Editing Without an Editor Webinar Frequently Asked Questions
These are questions we have been asked about the webinar to be held October 30 through December 4, Editing without an Editor. If you have other questions for Kid's Book Revision, please see the options on the KBR home page.
What does a webinar look like anyway? On your computer, you'll see a "slide show" style presentation (like a PowerPoint, if you are familiar with those. There's a small video so you can see and hear the presenter, and a text chat area where you can type questions and chat with other participants. This should give you an idea, using a screengrab from a webinar I did in spring 2014:
What can I do if I miss watching a session? Sessions will be put up for viewing the day after they "air." You will be able to watch them as many times as you like, for at least a year after the webinar is over.
If I register, will I only be able to watch live, or can I watch the sessions again? You can watch them again as well as watching them live.
Can I register and watch the webinar series after it is over? Yes, we will make the archived version of the webinar available once it is over. If the series sells out, we will open up access to the archived version while it is still going on. You will also get access to handouts.
I'm not sure how to set up my computer, or even if it will work. What can I do? If you have a computer with an Internet connection, it will almost certainly work--the technical requirements are no more demanding than playing a YouTube video. Our partner, Delve, will send simple instructions for setting up before the webinar happens. They also have their own FAQ and you can contact them via their site with any technical questions you still have.
What can I do if I want to ask questions? I may not be able to watch all of the sessions live. We are committed to answering all questions. During a session, you can ask questions via text chat, either during the presentation or at the end. All of those questions will be collected and answered at the end of the session, time permitting. If you are not present during a session, you can email us with your questions, and we will also answer questions by email if we have not been able to answer them during a session.
I write picture books. Will this webinar be useful for me? Yes, it will be! We present a variety of revision techniques, some of which may be more useful for long works or short works, but many will be equally useful with works of any length, including nonfiction. We also recommend resources where you can continue to learn after the webinar is over.
I have friends who write for adults. Will they find the webinar useful? If they can get past the examples we use from children's and YA books and manuscripts, they will find much of what we present useful. Revision is revision, whether you are writing a 30-page chapter book manuscript or a 300-page adult novel.
I see there will be handouts, but how will we get them? There will be handouts for each session, made available ahead of time via a private web page to which you will receive a link.
What will happen in the fifth "bonus session" (as you call it)? We plan to start by presenting work sent to us by participants over the course of the webinar; we will be inviting people to send in examples of their work trying out revision techniques. We will also open the floor to final questions, and there may be a few surprises as well.